Hair Extensions Wolverhampton
Hair Extensions Merry Hill
Hair Extensions Trysull
Hair Extensions Perton
Hair Extensions Penn
Hair Extensions Compton
Hair Extensions Castlecroft
Hair Extensions Wombourne
Hair Extensions Seisdon
Hair Extensions Bobbington
Hair Extensions Codsall

Are you looking for long,
thick, silky hair?

Here at Posh Locks we have the answer for YOU! Hair Extensions are the perfect way to create your desired look.

We offer two methods of Hair Extensions:

We use 100% Human Hair extensions from the award winning Beauty Works.

All of the hair we use is double drawn; this means that our luxurious hair extensions are full of thickness from the root to the end.

Our hair is also cuticle correct meaning it can be treated exactly how you would treat your own hair.

At Posh Locks we are committed to providing a highly professional service for our clients and we pride ourselves in using only the highest grade of human hair.

Hair Extensions Wolverhampton