Here at Posh Locks we understand that hair extensions aren’t always for everyone. The reasons for this can include; the inability to maintain your extensions, discomfort, failure to keep up with maintenance appointments etc.

During your consultation you will be advised to read our terms and conditions to ensure you are happy with the procedure that will go
ahead. You are paying for a service that we provide as opposed to a product which therefore means our service is non- refundable.

When your appointment is confirmed you are therefore agreeing to these terms and conditions.

We like to ensure every customer is satisfied so if you have any issues or queries we are more than happy to help.

We can be reached on our contact details.

You are almost guaranteed to loose bonds between appointments so don’t be alarmed if you do loose a few.

Where Tapes are concerned we can re-apply between appointments if necessary (this will have to be examined) however this is not the same for pre bonded extensions.

If you decide to go ahead with your appointment after your consultation you will be asked for a non-refundable 50% deposit on the day of your consultation. This amount will be deducted off the final price that will also be agreed during your consultation.

The rest of the payment will be taken on the day of application.

We do not book appointments until the non-refundable deposit has been given. Please note- we only accept bank transfer or cash payment.

A removal charge depends on the method chosen and how well you have followed our aftercare leaflet as matting can occur between bonds. We therefore charge £12.00 per hour of removal.

We are not responsible for any damage caused by the personal use of clients, which are not stated on our aftercare leaflets.

For more information you can get in touch with us on our contact details.